United Church of Christ
Seeking to walk in the Way of Jesus, we are an Open and Affirming church, faithfully using what we have and who we are to serve those on the margins of our community. No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
We were founded in a living room in a home on Silver Street in Waterville. There were twelve people in the room; nine were women. The date was August 21, 1828. We've travelled with the ups and downs of our community now for almost 200 years, and we are still here: "Seeking to walk in the Way of Jesus, we are an Open and Affirming Church faithfully using who we are and what we have to serve those on the margins of our community." No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
The center of our communal life is Jesus, the Christ, and his Gospel. Our organization draws life and Spirit from that center and returns it back again to its source. The ultimate decision-making body for our church is its Covenant Membership, gathered in a duly called meeting. But because church meetings aren't practical to do business month-to-month, our Church Council does that for us. The Moderator of the Church is considered the Lay Leader of the Church. His name is Mike Muir.
The Board of Deacons guides our spiritual life. The Chair of the Deacons is Bill Lee.
While anyone can speak at meetings of the church, only Covenant Members can vote. You don't have to be Baptized to become a Covenant Member (though if you do want that, it can be arranged!). We ask our Covenant Members to attend worship regularly, and give of their time, talents, and treasure. Interested? Here is our Covenant-Making service, which we call, "A Service of Belonging."
If you are a church member or friend looking for the on-line Directory link, click here . . .